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Winter Session Registration is Now Open!



Per the Province of Manitoba's recent announcement, Prairie Reign Gymnastics will be temporarily closed effective Sunday, May 9th. Each day we teach our athletes the power of positive thinking and believing in themselves. As such, we will continue to remain positive and hopeful that we will be together again to finish the season. We will continue to believe that Manitobans will get through this.

To each of our athletes, we are so proud of you. You have achieved so many amazing new skills in the gym while respecting each other and the COVID-19 protocols in place. You have done everything right - do not give up.

To our athletes' parents, thank you for your kindness, your support and your help in keeping Prairie Reign a safe place to be.

Be safe and continue to care for one another. Together (while apart), we will get through this.

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Prairie Reign Gymnastics
11-610 Discovery Drive, Grande Pointe, Manitoba | 
(204) 235-1665 | |
Only six minutes south of Sage Creek!

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